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When going on a lengthy vacation, plants can be a worry, especially if you can’t find someone to pop over in your absence to water them. TFG readers have come to the rescue with their favorite solutions to keep your plants healthy, hydrated, and happy while you’re gone!


How to Water Plants While on Vacation



Table Of Contents



Travel Girl Fashion help! A reader asks:


Hi fellow travelers! How do you keep your plants alive while vacationing?


You’re going on vacation for a few weeks. You’ve stopped your mail, boarded your pets, and you’re ready to start a fun and exciting journey—but what about your plants?

Watering houseplants while away is the one thing that excited travelers forget to tend to, and if you do remember, you’re tasked with finding just the right person to come over and take care of them. If you don’t have that person, your plants may not make it while you’re gone. 

Luckily, TFG readers have you covered. Check out their recommendations for how to water indoor plants while on vacation, so that you can enjoy a stress free trip!



What Is the Best Vacation Plant Watering System?




HB Services USA Self Watering Planter


HB Services USA Self-Watering Planter


Welcome to fuss-free plant care! The HB Services can help you take care of individual plants for up to two weeks with the self watering planter. 

Its hollow legs reach down deep into its reservoir to draw moisture to soil naturally, all while keeping your plant’s root system from being flooded. The planter’s open slats keep oxygen flowing, all while mitigating the possibility of mold, mildew, and fungal growth.


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Velener Mini Potted Plastic Plant


Velener Mini Potted Plastic Plant


Some people just don’t have a green thumb, and no matter what they do, they come back to dead plants after a trip. In that case, artificial plants, like this one by Velener can be a pretty, realistic-looking addition to your home—watering plants while on vacation doesn’t need to be on your list of to-dos!


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Modern Innovations Terracotta Plant Watering Stakes


Modern Innovations Terracotta Stakes 


Wine bottles are the perfect fit for these easy-to-use stakes from Modern Innovations. Just screw them in at the top, and they’ll water your plants during the time you’re gone. Before use, remember to immerse them in water for one to two hours to prevent it from seeping out too quickly. 

One reader, who lives in hot and dry Arizona, says the stakes do the trick for keeping her plants going. Another agrees saying, “These work better than the glass globes, which I also have.”


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PADRAM Drip Irrigation System


PADRAM Drip Irrigation System


If you’ve been wondering how to water outdoor plants while on vacation, this PADRAM irrigation system allows you to keep your plants hydrated according to their specific needs. You don’t need plumbing or digging skills for installation. As every nozzle can be individually adjusted, it can meet the challenging demands of all your greenery.  

One reader says the irrigation system is her plant watering go-to. “I use these for watering outdoor plants while away and they work beautifully and faithfully.”


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Blazin’ Bison Indoor Plant Watering Globes


Blazin’ Bison Indoor Watering Globes


These Blazin’ Bison multi-colored globes are not only functional but also a genuinely pretty addition to any garden. They stand about a foot high and store about two weeks’ worth of water. That means you can have a plant watering system while on vacation without worrying about coming home to dead plants. 

One reader shares that she’s been able to stretch their use out a little longer. “They are good for two to three weeks indoors, depending on where you live. I’ve used them for years.”


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GroBucket Garden Kit


GroBucket Garden Kit


Any five gallon bucket can be a self-watering planter in seconds. Just place the GroBucket kit in a bucket, insert the fill tube, and fill with soil—there’s even a water level indicator to tell you when to refill! The GroBucket takes up only a square foot of space which makes watering plants while away a breeze, even in a small apartment or condo.


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DIT Micro Automatic Drip Irrigation System


DIT Micro Automatic Drip Irrigation System 


The DIT irrigation system has an automated pump with a digital LCD screen to program, set, and schedule waterings. It clips onto the side of a bucket, allowing you to use a water source of any size, and be can be charged via USB cable or batteries. TFG readers who have this system swear by it for a worry-free vacation! One says, “I have one of these. Works well.


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Product Comparison Chart


HB Services USA Self Watering Planter The planter’s open slats keep oxygen flowing, all while mitigating the possibility of mold, mildew, and fungal growth. Check Price
Velener Mini Potted Plastic Plant Artificial plants, like this one by Velener can be a pretty, realistic-looking addition to your home—watering plants while on vacation doesn’t need to be on your list of to-dos! Check Price
Modern Innovations Terracotta Plant Watering Stakes “These work better than the glass globes, which I also have.” Check Price
PADRAM Drip Irrigation System “I use these for watering outdoor plants while away and they work beautifully and faithfully.” Check Price
Blazin' Bison Indoor Plant Watering Globes “They are good for two to three weeks indoors, depending on where you live. I’ve used them for years.” Check Price
GroBucket Garden Kit The GroBucket takes up only a square foot of space which makes watering plants while away a breeze, even in a small apartment or condo. Check Price
DIT Micro Automatic Drip Irrigation System The DIT irrigation system has an automated pump with a digital LCD screen to program, set, and schedule waterings. Check Price



How Long Can You Leave a Plant Without Water?


Frequent travelers love plants like cacti and succulents that can be left without water for months. However, most plants are only capable of living without hydration for about two weeks. 


How Else Can You Keep Plants Alive When You Go Away?


Keep your plants trimmed. Make sure to water them fully before you leave and move them out of direct sunlight so that their soil doesn’t dry too quickly.



What do you think are the best ideas for how to water plants while away? Share and comment below!


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