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If you’re planning an adventure around the globe, we’ve got your backpacking checklist covered! First you should take a look at our Ultimate Packing List for RTW trip and then read the below tips on how to choose your toiletries.


5 Steps to Choosing Toiletries


But how do you pack enough items to last your entire trip? You don’t.


One of the things you have to come to term with on a long term trip such as a RTW trip is that you can’t carry product to last you for the entirety of the trip.

Whether 6 months, a year, or longer packing full size toiletries isnt realistic when you have to carry all your worldly belongings on your back. Even if you travel with a rolling suitcase, it’s no fun to lug around a bag that weighs 50lb. Read this post to find out how quickly that gets old.

Ideally, a backpack should be under 30lb, much less if you want a lighter bag. To help you out with this goal, read the following packing list for RTW trip tips to help you choose toiletries for your big adventure.


Choose a Toiletry Bag


Here are our top 10 toiletry bags for you to choose from. Look for an easy to clean toiletry bag that’s not too large and has a handle. A reusable travel bottle set like this one has varying sizes giving you flexibility with the quantities you pack. Remember, only fill bottles 2/3 of the way or they might leak from the pressure in flight.


Decide what Items You Can’t Live Without


Now that you know how much space you have, you can be more realistic about what will fit in your bag. Choose 1 or 2 beauty products (if any) that you will need a larger supply.


Test Products


The reality is that you will be purchasing toiletries throughout your travels so you don’t need to start your trip with a massive supply. Start testing your products to see how long they last you. Don’t forget to test out bath, skincare, and makeup products.




Now that you know how long you can make your products last you can begin the downsizing process. For example, try to start your trip with enough shampoo to last you 2 weeks for long hair, 4 weeks for short. Beginning your trip with 3oz-5oz is a good starting off point.

How low can you go?


The Final Cut


Do a test run to see if everything fits in your toiletry bag. If you find that you have enough space, feel okay to pack a bit extra of your favorites.

If your belongings don’t fit, consider using multi-use products such as a shampoo/conditioner combo, using conditioner as shaving cream, or a gentle shampoo that can also be used as shower gel.

Shampoo and soap bars can also help you save space and can last quite some time. For hair, travelers swear by the Godiva lush bar that is said to last 50 washes. Check out a guest review here.

If you wish to use re-usable containers, GoTube makes a popular travel set.


Don’t worry, for the most part you will be able to replace your toiletries with drugstore brands you’re familiar with. Nivea and Oil of Olay are two brands found all over the world. For more ideas, check out this list if global beauty products.


What toiletries do you include in your packing list for RTW trip?


For more tips on travel gear, please read:


Hope you enjoyed this post on toiletries for your packing list for RTW trip! Don’t forget to share this guide with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Thanks for reading!