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In honor of Valentine’s Day, we’ve put together our best packing tips for couples traveling together. If you’re hitting the road with a partner, best friend, or a family member – these are some awesome hacks to help you save space and pack lighter!


Couples Traveling Together





Gillette Fusion5 ProGlide Men’s Razor Blades




Use the same razor handle but separate cartridges. Men’s last longer in my opinion and it’s easy to pop your cartridge on and off.

Men aren’t picky with hair products; we choose grooming products that work for both us like styling cream.

We definitely share all toiletries – deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, face wash etc.

We often bring one electronic toothbrush with two detachable heads.

We use toiletries that can double up – lotion that has SPF, Dr. Bronners (we use for body wash, face wash, laundry soap, and can even be shampoo or tooth paste in a pinch).

Coconut oil makes a great beard moisturizer and makeup remover, so we usually bring one container and both use it.




Unisex Herschel Supply Co backpack




Use a unisex daypack that you can alternate days wearing. Something like a Herschel that will go with casual and dressier outfits.

On day trips, we usually bring one backpack for water, guidebook and camera, and switch who has to carry it back and forth to share the weight.

We sometimes share travel items such an umbrella, if there is a low chance of rain or we don’t intend to be outside much.

We check to see who is going to bring travel adapters, laundry accessories, cards, the guidebook, and other “extras” so we’re not doubling up on those.

We each bring a book we both want to read and then trade them after we finish.




Compass Rose Packing Cubes




We use packing cubes to keep our stuff separate – if I am giving him something to pack, it is easier at the destination for him to just hand me a packing cube than to try to rummage through everything.

We’ve taken one carry on suitcase for a long weekends many times. The key is minimal shoes & outerwear, just a few different tops and extra pair of pants. It’s totally doable and so nice not to be dragging a ton of stuff around for 2-3 days.

We pack together to maximize space (carryon only). We are not strict about his/hers bags, we each have a bag but we distribute items based on what will fit best in each bag if everything does not fit on the first run. However our personal items are individual for the most part for easy access on the plane.

We only check one bag between the two of us if for some reason we decide not to pack carryon for particular trip. This also makes it easier to manage when we reach our destination. Pack your essentials and treasured items in a carry on or personal item, which again, you can each take one or alternate carrying each suitcase.

I highly suggest couples split up their packing. For example, I take half of my partner’s belongings in my suitcase and he takes half of mine. This way, if someone’s suitcase gets lost or delayed that person still has half of their stuff.

We mix & match our items so they fit better in our bags – I’ll carry the toiletries but he’ll take my 2nd pair of shoes.




Universal Travel Adapter




Use a charger plug with dual ports so you can both charge your devices while using only one outlet. Taking the right amount of converters and adapters was tricky at first. Now we make sure we have at least enough for both of us to charge our phones, and to power one extra thing (laptop etc).

Split your valuables by one person dedicating to take a camera, the other the tablet, and so on. Learn about how to keep your stuff safe abroad.

We usually only pack one laptop and share it (unless one of us needs to work).

We only bring one type of electronic other than our phones- one laptop or iPad to use for movies and Internet.

We each bring a camera and take pictures of each other throughout the trip.   Makes for some fun photographs from the other persons viewpoint.




RFID money and card stash




Always split your cash and cards between you! You never know what can happen: mugging, losing your wallet, or overspending.

Carry each other’s copies of your passport and other important documents so it is easier to get a new passport, contact your bank, credit card and insurance companies in an emergency. Both of you having copies, either in paper of electronic form (the latter is my preference), makes for a better emergency situation. Read more passport safety tips.

We usually share meals at a restaurant to save money.  Or if there are two things we want to try, we can order them both and each get to try it.

We divvy up planning responsibilities. I will book things and hand him an itinerary and he’ll work on public transportation and mapping things out.  Not that either of us can’t do all those things, but having two people makes it easier to share the responsibilities.

After deciding on what jobs each of has when traveling (such as finding directions to a hotel, figuring out how to get around the city, places to visit, etc) we use our own methods to organize our responsibilities. I download helpful apps that can be accessed with or without internet, while my husband prefers to make a binder with all the paperwork he needs (which he has to carry since we are short on space!)


Thank you to TFG’s awesome writing team for sharing their tips for couples traveling together! Kate Langille, Kelly Ella Maz, Nina Thomas, Michelle Pettit, Renee Cutala, Mary Ware, and Emily Souza.


What are your best tips for couples traveling together? Share in the comments below!


For more packing tips, please read:






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