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The below story isn’t your average Travel Fashion Girl post: it’s a proposal! Read on to find out how one romantic guy proposed to a TFG reader!


The Proposal


Sean met Kelly while she was in Rome, Italy in the winter of 2009.  Kelly noticed Sean one night while she was out and called him over with the notorious finger point and curl.  They chatted briefly, but Kelly’s friends were heading in a different direction so Sean took it upon himself to exchange information before they parted ways.

They didn’t get another good chance to speak to each other until four years later!  Kelly  was planning a return trip to Rome in July 2013 with some family and they were looking for tours.  Kelly remembered Sean had his own tour company, The Roman Guy, and she thought it to be an opportune occasion to reach out.

During Kelly’s stay in Rome they had a great time together. Sean took her on some tours and they managed to get dinner and drinks together a couple of nights.




They immediately began talking about how they should have their second date in New York City. It may appear unreasonable to cross an ocean for a second date, but some of life’s greatest moments can happen without reason.

A few months later on November 7th 2013 a very nervous Sean waited outside the Standard Hotel NYC for Kelly to arrive. He remarked to me how beautiful she looked when she exited her taxi and walked towards the door. They had an amazing weekend and did everything except going ice skating at Rockefeller Center.

They decided to spend the rest of November traveling together in the United States.  Kelly then returned with Sean to Italy where they spent a week in a remote village of Tuscany where they drank wine and admired the scenery.




Kelly came back to Italy again only a few weeks later to spend Christmas and New Years with Sean.  This would be her first Christmas away from her family all so he didn’t have to be alone during the holidays – an extremely selfless act.  Not something people who have only had a few dates together normally do.

They spent the next year going back and forth between USA & Italy to be together. In Italy they rented a cottage on the beach outside of Rome in a town called Fregene.  They had a lemon tree in their front yard and their dog Linda played outside in the sun with the neighbors dogs.  As the summer went along they travelled everywhere… Greece, Hungary, Venice, Spain (running with the bulls) and more.  They rarely spent a weekend at home.

If you looked at their photos you would say that they lived the most amazing year anyone had ever lived.  Sean and Kelly would have to agree with you, but they both said it wasn’t as easy as the photos made it out to be. It can be difficult to make life changing decisions for someone that you have only known for a short period of time, but it made them stronger as a couple and solidified their love for one another.




Bill Murray, who is known to blurt out subtle hints of wisdom in his rambling on once said, “If you have someone you think is the one – instead of setting a date and planning a party take that person around the world.

Buy a plane ticket for the two of you to travel all around the world.  Go to places that are hard to go to and hard to get out of.  And if when you get back to JFK you’re still in love with that person – get married at the airport.”

Sean and Kelly did travel around the world together. When they got home they loved each other more than ever; but Sean didn’t ask her to marry him at the airport. He needed more time to work out the ring.


If you’re at Rockefeller Center in New York City on Dec 27, 2014 you’ll see Sean get down on one knee and ask Kelly to marry him.